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Tire Rotation

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3.14 * ( Radius x 2 ) = Circumference
Distance traveled/Circumference * 360 = Wheel rotation

Example: 16 inch tire traveling 300 inches in one frame

3.14*(16×2) = 100.48
300/100.48 = 2.985
2.985*360 = 1074.84 Degree roation

When the vehicle travels 300 units the rotation on the tire equals 1074.84

3.14*(16×2) = 100.48300/100.48 = 2.9852.985*360 = 1074.84 Degree roation
When the vehicle travels 300 units the rotation on the tire equals 1074.84

OR just add this script to a point controler

rad = 8
timeres = 1f
fn getrot t =
if t<=0f then return quat 0 0 0 1
t0 = t-timeres
t1 = t
rot0 = getrot(t0)
preTM = at time t0 obj.transform
dist = at time t1 (in coordSys preTM obj.pos).x
if dist == 0 then return rot0
angle = (dist /(rad*2*pi)) * 360
rotdif = quat angle [0,-1,0]
rot1 = rot0 + rotdif

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